Thursday, January 7, 2010

They said it would

SNOW and it DID!!! I was beginning to believe this place didn't get snow but sure enough it finally snowed at our house. As you can imagine my kids were so excited. So despite the "just getting over sickness" we all ventured outside. I have to take a minute to make fun of the people here just because I love them so much!! They canceled school for two days over four inches of snow!! The first day they canceled when we only had like half an inch. I found it hilarious!!! I don't have to worry about driving in the snow here because everything just shuts down!! We were excited to get it and we didn't have a sled so I came up with an even better ideas, a laundry basket and rope! It worked great for Lantz. People here will think this is how everyone in Utah plays in the snow!!

Lantz didn't love it at first at all, probably because he couldn't see, breath, or move!I ventured out with all three by myself and we had a great time!
Lantz deciding he does like the snow and I love the red cheeks.
And now he really loves it because he can see and breath! Zak was a great brother and pulled him around.

Makelle diggin in the snow and giving me a half smile!
Later that night the kids helped John shovel the driveway.
What a cute girl, just trying to see from under her hat!
We train these kids right. This is what having kids is all about, doing the work!
Lantz was just enjoying the warmth of the house!


  1. Looks like so much fun! You're so creative Ash!

  2. Oh those cute kids! I wish I could play in the snow with them. Do you think I could fit in the laundry basket?
