Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goodbye 2009

I can't believe 2009 is over. It was an amazing year for us and I get emotional just thinking about it. This time last year we were just getting excepted to Dental School. What an accomplishment for John! He wanted it to happen and he made it happen! Who would have ever thought we would be here in Indiana, crazy! We were excited to add little Lantz Pantz in February and he continues to make us smile everyday. Sometimes I just feel sad that he won't have the relationship with everyone in Utah like the others, but I am sure he will survive anyways. We had a great few months as we tried to get all of our lasts in before the big move and we made lots of memories. It was scary to leave everyone and everything I had ever known but it has been so worth it. It was exciting to travel across the country and even more exciting to be homeowners once again. I am grateful to wonderful family who took us in so that we could make our goal a reality. I got to know what it was like to live without John for a whole month. It was a new experience and I definitely appreciate him and military families more. I don't look forward to doing it again but it went by fast and it was great since I had Lindsey here! I developed an even better friendship and admiration for her. Most people I would be sick of but we keep begging for her to come back. We moved to a beautiful place that we love and we are thriving. We have experienced a lot of firsts here especially our first holidays away from family. I am grateful for the great friends who have been placed in our lives to fill the gaps. We have made so many great friends. It has been a very different but great year. We have all grown so much in every aspect of our lives. I admire my husband more everyday and I feel intimidated at the task of being these kids mother. They are so special. I have grown to appreciate and love my family (that includes John's family) more and more each day. They are such great examples and they are so supporting and loving. Last but not least we finished our first semester of dental school and John even got straight A's! The sound of 2010 makes 2013 sound a lot closer! That kinda makes me sad, oh well! Thanks to everyone who made 2009 such a great year!


  1. I am also glad you moved to Indiana. When I first met you I told Dale that Heavenly Father put you here just for me (even though I know its not completely true) because you are so much like my friend I left in Utah. Thanks for being here and always having such a positive attitude even when life is hard!

  2. This makes me miss you guys even more!!! Love you!

  3. That is a great article Ash. Thanks for posting it, I needed to read it. And thanks a lot for making me cry you big JERK! I miss you so much Ashley! I miss your family too, not just you. Love you guys!
