Friday, January 8, 2010

The faith of a child

I forgot to post this earlier but I wanted it recorded so here it is now. The kids all got gift cards from Grandma Valynn and Grandpa David for Christmas. The day after Christmas they were excited to go to Target and pick something out with their very own gift cards. When we got inside the store Zak immediately wanted his gift card. I told him I didn't think he should hold it, that I should hold it while he looked at the toys but that it was his choice. He said he wanted to hold it and that he would be very careful. We looked at the toys fighting crowds and trying to find something to buy. He picked out a few small animals to buy with some of the money. We went to the checkout where we were about to pay and I asked for his gift card. He got all scared and worried as he said he set it down on one of the toys at the back of the store. I told him I would use my gift card to pay and then we would go find his. We looked and looked thru all of the toy aisles and didn't have any luck. I told him I was going to have to return the toys since he couldn't find his gift card. We looked one more time and I told him the only idea I had was for him to say a prayer. He walked to the middle of the aisle, knelt down and said a prayer out loud. He got up and looked for it again but didn't have any luck. I sent the kids to the car and I went to the return line and returned the toys. I know I am a mean mom but I was trying to teach a lesson. Zak was sad but he took it well and we went home. He took most of the responsibility for it except for when he told Lindsey and John it was my fault because I shouldn't have let him hold it!! (That little stinker!!) A few days later John and I were at Target and I asked John if he would go to the Customer Service and ask if a gift card had been turned in. After quite a lot of searching the lady found the original gift card with Zak's name and all of his money still on it. We were so excited. We hurried home to tell the kids and talked to Zak about why his gift card was found. He bore his testimony to Makelle about how Heavenly Father heard his prayer and someone found it for him. I must admit I had my doubts when he knelt down and prayed and we didn't find it. Some answers just take time. Now if I could just have the faith of a child!

1 comment:

  1. I love that kid! Amazing how good some people are to turn things like gift cards in.
