Friday, November 28, 2014

Damon Turns 1!

I can't believe my little beach baby  is 1!  Just a year ago he was dragged to the beach constantly and now he is experiencing Japan.  What an adventure he has had in his short little life.

We don't do anything to big for birthdays around here, especially 1st birthdays and this was no exception.  In fact Damon was sick on his birthday and I considered no doing anything.  He perked up a little in the evening so we decided to do cake and presents.  He wasn't a fan of the cake at all...he must be like the rest of us!  The other kids were all proud to give their gifts from the Japanese dollar store.  They did good Damon loved them all....tambourine, balls, bubbles,  and a music shaker. 

We love Damon!  He is super fun to play with and tickle.  He loves to play at the park and climb up the stairs.  He LOVES the slide.  He likes to read books and play with his brothers and sisters.  He also loves to crash their games.  He waves his hands in the air anytime someone is singing or music is on so he can dance.  He knows to wave his hand when I say Konnichiwa---which is hello in Japanese.  He loves to chase around the couch and have you get him.  Lately he loves to yell when he gets excited.

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