Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What We've Been Up To!

It's been a while, I know so enjoy the next gazillion pictures as I get you up to date!!

Like all of my kids Lantz likes to play with bowls and kitchen stuff. John kinda likes it too, don't the hats look good?
Makelle wanted to join in too.
Lantz was feeling so proud that he could stand up on his own in the bathtub.
Lantz getting a cushy ride in the clothes basket.
Cruiser around in his own car. Does he look like a ladys man or what?!

Zak getting a lift from Lantz.
Makelle hanging out in her own car.

Zak in his police gear ready to fight of crime.

Makelle with her bling bling earrings ad purse! She is a true girl. We had a girls day out and spent the day shopping together. John was out of school for Fall Break so he hung out with Zak at home. Makelle and I had a great time out looking around. She wanted everything from shoes, clothes, jewelry, to purses, you name it she wanted it. I was able to avoid all of it by telling her to ask Grandma Valynn to buy it for her when she comes to visit. It worked every time.
We finally got our pumpkins done! This year it was great because the kids were old enough to clean them all by themselves. Zak still didn't like touching it with his hands so he used a spoon most of the time. They did a great job getting all of the guts out.
Makelle didn't have a problem getting her hands dirty, she could have played with the guts all day.

We spent yesterday at the zoo for John's last day with us. We had a great time. The weather was cool, but the animals were doing all sorts of fun stuff. They had all of their Halloween stuff out so Makelle and Zak got to dress up.

John loves to tickle Lantz and laughs and laughs. Poor Guy!
My three boys takin it easy.
We love the park! We played for a long time enjoying the not too cold weather.

Lantz was getting very hungry and he just wanted a little of Makelle's cookie. He tried and tried to get some for himself.
We finally had to give him his own to enjoy. Much better.

Makelle got too tired and fell asleep by the hippo. Just kidding but she is good at acting isn't she?!
The kids love to play in an old van that they have at the zoo.
Whoops they crashed into Lantz and Dad, oh well!
Would you say it was a long day?

The final result with the pumpkins. They designed them all by themselves.
It doesn't get much better than that!

I wish I would have taken pictures of us during General Conference. Our whole house was rearranged so that we could have the computer in the front room. It was definitely different to watch it on the Internet, at first it was soooo slow and very irritating but we were persistent and it paid off. Zak told us Saturday morning as we were getting dressed that we needed to wear our church clothes so we would think about listening instead of wearing play clothes and thinking about playing during conference. He told us that one of his church teachers had told him this. We tried to talk him into wearing church clothes for the Sunday sessions, but nope we got to dress up at home for both. What an amazing kid. He teaches me everyday. What an example about listening and then obeying.


  1. Yay!! I love updates! The kids are getting too big! Lantz is growing like a insanely cute weed, (and he looks terrified in the picture with the pumpkins! Haha!). Makelle is getting too pretty!! - I can't believe she'll be 3 next month. And Zak is HANDSOME!! John and Ash - you guys look really good too ;) Wish I was coming out with mom and dad!!!

  2. New Pictures! We were all wondering when that would happen. What a cute family. Lantz looks like he is ready to start walking.

  3. Hey- When did it change from "You can't buy anything for the kids!" to "Grandma will buy you everything!"? You're lucky I like it.

  4. I love pictures! I found this website that you might like, it has fantastic music on it!

  5. Hey Ashley! It's Amanda's friend Candice. It was fun to run into you and your crew at the park a few weeks ago! Your kiddos are so sweet - you are the mom I want to be when we have three! We will have to get together sometime and play again! We will be having a cupcake party soon to celebrate Luke's 2nd b-day! I will let you know when!
