Monday, October 26, 2009


Here are the kiddos in their Halloween costumes. Today we had storytime and a parade around the library. Tomorrow we have a trunk or treat with some friends and branch members and then we are done. We have Stake Conference all weekend so we get to be done a day early, and I won't have to avoid giving out candy on Halloween! Wahooo!

All of my kids love that I let them eat their candy so we can be done with it. Lantz is loving Halloween.
So this isn't Halloween, but it is my Grand Finale from my cake classes. I did all those roses isn't it a little bit impressive?
We had our Halloween party. Zak wanted to invite fifteen of his friends. He really wanted his cousins that came last year, but he figured friends would be fine this time. Well, I wouldn't let him invite that many because that is insane and our house is small. So we cut it in half and only invited seven friends. Well then everyone was sick and we only had two friends, but we had a great time still. I got in trouble for not letting him invite all of them since only two came, so our next party might be a little HUGE!

We have all had sickness this past week but luckily we are all doing better except for Lantz. He was up all night with a fever, the poor guy . I was only sick for a few days so that was lucky because sickness around here has been crazy.
I have been the YW president for almost two weeks now and I love it!! I feel a huge weight of helping these young women realize their worth, gain testimonies, and be able to withstand temptation. I just need them to realize that no sacrifice is to great for staying worthy to enter the temple. We had our Evening in Excellence Pageant of Values this week and it was incredible. It was a lot of effort, but the paybacks were so worth it. The girls were beautiful and it really felt like a pageant it was amazing. I was in charge of the evening and I was the one to interview the girls and speak at the end, so I was up front a lot. Well, as I was getting dressed for the evening I put a hanger in my mouth to look at a dress in the mirror, and my front porcelain tooth cracked! What a night to have that happen, so I had a fanged tooth for the evening and still do until I get an appointment somewhere. I was hoping to not have expensive dental work for the next four years but I guess that won't be the case. Makelle has been complaining of her tooth hurting when she eats or drinks hot or cold things. We thought she just had sensitive teeth, but no her tooth is starting to turn gray. She goes to the dentist Monday. She will probably either not have a front tooth for four years or have a gray one for four years. Poor girl, she has such a pretty smile.

That is about all the excitement for now! Life is great for this little family in nowhere Indiana!


  1. What great costumes!!!! They look so awesome! Wish I was there to see them in person! Love you guys!

  2. Oh - and good job on the cake Ash - I looks great!

  3. Wow! Those are some great costumes! And I must say that I'm very impressed with the cake decorating! Look at you developing new talents. See you in 15 days!!
