Sunday, August 15, 2010

2nd year, 8 years, 1st Day, 1st TIme, and 2nd Pet!!!


2nd Year of Dental School
John officially started his second year of dental school and he is a sophomore. The first couple of days were frustrating but by the end of the week he was getting excited for his classes. This is supposed to be the toughest year so we'll prepare for the worst and hope for the best! Crazy that next year he will be in the clinic working on patients again! He has missed working with and on patients so he is excited.

8 Years of Marriage
It has been 8 great years that John and I have been married!! We actually had one of our best anniversaries ever and neither one of us bought anything or planned anything! I spent the morning getting some tomatoes ready to can. After we got done friend offered to watch my older kids while I took the younger kids home for naps. I got three hours of quiet all to myself. As if that wasn't great enough she also had planned a date for us not even knowing it was our anniversary! We went to the temple ate at our favorite restaurant and got to spend a great evening out with friends. The babysitter was also provided and dropped off at my house. I was feeling spoiled and it was fabulous!

1st Day of Kindergadrten
Zak had his first day of Kindergarten, CRAZY!!! He was not excited and very nervous. We had a family home evening about education and then he got a father's blessing. His attitude did an immediate 180. He was so excited! We went to his school to meet his teachers and look around. He was excited to learn that his class pet would be a Guinea pig named Rosie. He walked into school on his first day and waited by his door all by himself. He came out of school and said, "Mom, why didn't you sign me up for all day Kindergarten, this place is great, and I want to stay all day!" How wonderful was that to hear?! It was a great day and I never even thought about crying. Someone asked if it had been a hard day and I realized maybe it should have been, but it wasn't. I don't know if I am detached emotionally or if I am just excited for Zak to be growing up! It did hit me a couple of months ago that I was getting old, he was getting old, and he would be leaving my safe home and be vulnerable to the world. But all is well and we are excited for this new adventure!

1st Time in Nursery
Lantz is in nursery!!!! Eighteen months is one of my favorite ages, (ok it is my favorite) because of NURSERY!!!! YAY!!!! He does ok as long as he has his blanket, snacks, and books! He is also officially done with his pacifier so we can call him a big boy!!!!!!! Can you tell I am excited for nursery?

2nd Family Pet
The other exciting news for us our latest pet. We went to the lake again yesterday and on the ride home we found a baby turtle. John picked it up and we brought it home. We took care of it for one whole day. This afternoon the kids were disappointed to see that it found its way out of the box and ran away. At least now we can say we've had two pets, a scorpion and a turtle. Both of them were free and we didn't have to keep them long! That is my kind of pet!


  1. I can't believe you have been married for 8 years!! I love to read your blog, I feel bad I didn't get to see you while you were in Utah, it was a crazy time for me....Good luck to John in school!!

  2. You have been busy posting. Looks like you have had a fun summer. Lucky you that your branch has a nursery. I used to love the age of nursery, now I am not so sure.

  3. Wow! Good job everyone! I wish I could have met the turtle. The kiddo's are so big. Zak told me he wants to live at school and that his family can live there too, even me!

  4. Hahaha! It's ok, Ash, I almost cried when I read about how big Zak is going to school all by himself. It just doesn't seem possible. I swear he was just a baby!! And Lantz is getting too big! Love them all :) I just have one question... Did you name the turtle? I expect something equally as good as Roudy the scorpion :)
